Veteran Services
The Office of the Registrar & Veteran Services is here to meet the needs of Calumet College of St. Joseph’s College students who are veterans, service members, or children or spouses of disabled veterans. Students who wish to receive education benefits from the US Department of Veterans Affairs should contact the Office of the Registrar to process appropriate paperwork for the VA. The military service member must first reach out to their appropriate ESO military counselor prior to enrolling in school.
Getting Started
The following checklist and our staff are here to assist you in acquiring your Veterans Education benefits so you will get the maximum amount of aid for funding your education.

Apply for Admission to Calumet College of St. Joseph
Before you begin pursuing financial benefits, you will want to make sure you have applied to CCSJ. The Office of Admissions site provides guidelines for applying. Your personal academic background and goals will determine which academic office is best for you. Contact the CCSJ Registrar’s Office & Veteran Services if you need help making this decision.

Complete the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA)
The Free Application for Student Aid, or FAFSA, is a government-mandated form that determines your eligibility for low- or no-interest student loans as well as grants at the federal and state level. You will want to complete this form to ensure you receive all the aid for which you are eligible, even if you plan on using VA educational benefits. To be considered for the most potential aid, complete the FAFSA by March 1. Visit the FAFSA website to complete and submit the application.
Cohort Default Rate (A cohort default rate is the percentage of a school’s borrowers who enter repayment on certain Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program or William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program loans during a particular federal fiscal year (FY), October 1st to September 30th, and default or meet other specified conditions prior to the end of the second following fiscal year. Please refer to the Cohort Default Rate Guide for a more in-depth description of cohort default rates and how the rates are calculated). In the event that the institution’s CDR rises above the national average, this site will be updated to reflect such a change.
o You can search Calumet College of St. Joseph’s CDR by clicking here and entering our OPEID number 001834
o Click here to learn more about the national average CDR

Obtain Academic Transcripts from Previous Institutions
To earn transfer credit from coursework completed prior to attending CCSJ, collect your transcripts from previous colleges and any military institutions that can be considered for CCSJ credit. Provide copies of your military transcripts and your DD 214 discharge documents to the Office of Admissions for evaluation. You can use the following resources to get your military transcript:

Meet with an Academic Advisor before Enrolling in Courses
Meeting with an academic advisor early in the course scheduling process can save you a lot of time and energy and keep you from making mistakes. Advisors can help you plan a manageable course load that meets your specific academic needs. They can also assist you in ensuring that all the courses for which you will request VA educational benefits do apply to your degree plan. This is a Veteran Affairs requirement in order to receive benefits.

Apply for Veterans Affairs Benefits
There are many benefit programs available to veterans. Visit the official Veterans Affairs website to go through a step-by-step process to get an idea of what benefits are best for you, or contact the CCSJ Registrar’s Office & Veteran Services, and we can guide you through the process. You will need to complete one of the following forms online:
- VA Form 22-1990: Initial Application for Education Benefits for military members or veterans (Chapters 30, 33, 1606, or 1607)
- VA Form 22-1990e: For dependents to whom Post 9/11 educational benefit eligibility has been transferred (Chapter 33)
- VA Form 22-5490: For children of disabled veterans applying initially for the Dependent Education Assistance Program (Chapter 35)
- VA Form 22-1995: Change in Program/Place of Training for those who have used educational benefits at another institution
- VA Form 22-5495: Change of Place of Training for those who have used Chapter 35 benefits at another institution
- DD 214: If you have been discharged from active duty, you will need to provide your VA official with your DD 214. If you have a Notice of Basic Eligibility or College Fund/Kicker Contract from the National Guard or Reserves, be sure to submit a copy of these forms to Veterans Affairs Services as well.
There is usually an 8- to 12-week wait before you actually receive your benefits. Once they arrive, you will have to verify your enrollment monthly via phone at (877) 823-2378 or online at the Veterans Affairs website. Be sure to contact your VA certifying official if you have any changes in your enrollment status.
In order to receive your benefits, you must come into our office to turn in your Veteran Request for Enrollment Certification form, as well as your DD 214.
This step lets us know to report your information to Veteran Affairs to complete the process. You will need to repeat this process each semester you want to receive benefits. It is important to note that your funding will not be released until this final step is completed. If you have questions, please contact the CCSJ Office of the Registrar & Veteran Services.
Additional Veterans Benefits
In compliance with 38 USC 3679(e) as amended by the Veteran’s Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, CCSJ allows covered individuals to attend and participate in their course of education, beginning when it is scheduled to start, per the published Schedule of Classes, and without regard to whether they have presented a certificate of eligibility, statement of benefits or VAF-28-1905. If certification to the Veteran’s Administration (VA) reveals that an individual is not eligible for benefits, either fully or partially, the Certifying Official works directly with the student and VA to resolve.
CCSJ does not impose any penalty, such as late fees, denial of access to classes, libraries, or classrooms; or mandate that covered individuals borrow additional monies, because of a covered person’s inability to meet their financial obligations to the university due to delayed disbursement of funds from the VA under Chapters 31 or 33.
A summary of benefit options is listed below. For complete details about each program, visit the Veteran Affairs website. Before you apply for VA benefits, make sure you have completed the steps outlined in Getting Started.
Chapter 33, Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Benefit
The Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Benefit provides up to three years of educational benefits toward your IU degree or certificate program. Benefits are available to you for 15 years after ending active duty. Under this program, you are entitled to funds based on the length of time you were on active duty. Dependents may also use Chapter 33 benefits transferred to them by their sponsor.
CCSJ participates in the Yellow Ribbon program under the Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Benefit. This provides additional financial assistance to nonresident or graduate students whose costs are not fully covered by the Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Benefit. To qualify, you must be eligible for the Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Benefit at the 100 percent tier and have costs that exceed Veterans Affairs state maximums.
Chapter 30, Montgomery Veterans Educational Benefit (MGIB)—Active Duty
This program provides up to three years of educational benefits toward your CCSJ degree or certificate program. Benefits are available to you for 10 years after ending active duty. You must have contributed $1,200 to the MGIB during your first year on active duty to be eligible.
Chapter 31, Disabled Veterans Qualified for Vocational Rehabilitation
In most cases, in order to receive Chapter 31 education benefits, you must receive monthly VA disability payments. Exceptions are made in some cases, however. This award will cover tuition, books, supplies, and other education-related expenses. Application is separate and distinct from the education benefit applications. Contact the CCSJ Office of the Registrar & Veteran Services for further information.
Chapter 35, Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance
To receive funds toward your education under this program, you must be the son, daughter, or spouse of a deceased, disabled, or captive veteran. Limitations for receiving benefits vary with age and the circumstances surrounding the veteran’s discharge.
Chapter 1606, Montgomery Veterans Educational Benefit—Selected Reserve
The Montgomery Veterans Educational Benefit—Selected Reserve benefits are available to members of the Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Coast Guard Reserve, Army National Guard, or Air National Guard. Funding will be provided toward your CCSJ degree or certificate program.
Chapter 1607 Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP) for Those Called to Active Duty under the National Call to Service Program
This education program provides up to three years of benefits for members of the Selected Reserves, Individual Ready Reserve, and National Guard who are placed on active duty because of war or other national emergencies.
There are significant differences between Chapter 30 and Chapter 33 benefits. You can switch from the Chapter 30 program to Chapter 33, but the change is permanent and should only be made after you understand the differing amounts of entitlement available under each program. For more information, call The Office of the Registrar & Veteran Services at 219-473-4212.
If all courses you are enrolled in meet for the entire semester and count toward your degree program, you need 12 undergraduate or 9 graduate credit hours to be considered full-time by Veterans Affairs. Courses with a shortened duration may affect your benefits. If you are unsure about your status, please contact The Office of the Registrar & Veteran Services.
In some instances, veterans attending college are eligible for unemployment benefits. The veteran organization and the Indiana Department of Workforce Development offer detailed information concerning jobless benefits for student veterans
Your finances are an important piece of the college puzzle. As a veteran, there are many factors that can affect the cost of your education and your eligibility for certain award programs.
If your income level has significantly changed in comparison to the tax year information you reported on your FAFSA due to separation from the military or other factors, complete an appeal form with the Financial Aid Office to be considered for an increase in financial assistance.
Readmission Policies
Activation of Reserve or National Guard Units
Those students who are unable to complete academic work during the academic term in which they are called to active duty as part of a Reserve or National Guard unit call-up have four options:
- The student may choose to totally withdraw from school and be given 100% refund of all academic tuition and fees as well as student activity fees which have been assessed. The permanent record (transcript) will reflect the withdrawal with a “W”.
- The student, in collaboration with and approval of the instructor, may choose the use of the “I” grade(Incomplete) under appropriate circumstances. The amount of time allowed for the incomplete work will not include the active duty time spent. However, once the student has returned from active duty, the incomplete work must be completed within a reasonable period of time, which will be determine by the Vice-President of Academic Affairs. At that time the student may elect to withdraw from the class.
- The student may elect to complete the work in collaboration with and approval of the instructor on a shortened time frame prior to the active duty reporting date. This arrangement should be chosen only if the student is activated in the final quarter of the term.
- A school must promptly readmit a service member with the same academic status as he/she had when last attending the school or accepted for admission to the school. This requirement applies to any student who cannot attend school due to military service.
In order to select one of the above options, the student must present or fax a copy of the military orders selecting them for active duty to the Registrar’s Office. For further information, please contact the Registrar’s Office.
Call to Active Duty
Upon notification of an upcoming deployment, contact the Office of the Registrar &Veteran Services of CCSJ immediately. If you need to withdraw from classes, bring a copy of your orders to the Office of the Registrar & Veteran Services to complete a military withdrawal from some or all courses. The Veteran Services web page has the official university policy regarding students that are called to active duty.
If you notify the Office of the Registrar &Veteran Services that you are withdrawing due to military orders, or if we process a military withdrawal on your behalf, we will notify Veterans Affairs that there are mitigating circumstances surrounding the reduction or termination of your benefits. Their policy is to stop payment effective the date of your drop or withdrawal, but they do not typically require repayment of benefits already disbursed for that semester. Veterans Affairs usually restores any entitlement charged for the semester you are unable to complete due to military duty.
Some students elect to take courses while deployed. CCSJ recommends you check with your Academic Advisor in advance to determine whether your degree program will accept independent study courses.
Your options for completing any remaining coursework vary greatly depending on your individual situation, timing, and remaining requirements. Some students are able to negotiate the completion of all course requirements with their instructors despite their absence. Others may be offered incompletes that must be finished within one calendar year of the end of the term of enrollment. In other cases, it may be in your best interest to withdraw from the course. Your first step should always be to discuss your situation with your faculty instructor, followed by a visit to Academic Advising and the Office of the Registrar &Veteran Services for further assistance.
Return from Deployment
Procedures for reinstating your student status will vary. Students should contact the Registrar’s Office. After registering for classes, contact the Registrar’s Office to request your enrollment be reported to Veterans Services for benefits.
You will need to forward a copy of any new DD 214 discharge documents to Veteran Services for evaluation. This may change which program you are eligible for or your tier of benefits. We can assist you with this process.
CCSJ is pleased to hold a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Department of Defense (DOD), which allows our institution the opportunity to further our commitment to excellence in educating military students. By following the guidance of the DOD MOU, we are able to ensure that all military members have access to what they need to make informed decisions about where to attend school and about how their Tuition Assistance (TA) benefits will interact with their chosen educational programs.
Marketing, Recruiting, & Advertising
CCSJ maintains policies that reflect program integrity requirements consistent with regulations issued by the Department of Education (34 C.F.R 668.71-668.75 and 668.14) related to restrictions on misrepresentation, recruitment, and payment of incentive compensation. This applies to CCSJ itself and its agents, including third-party lead generators, marketing firms, or companies that own or operate the educational institution. As part of efforts to eliminate unfair, deceptive, and abusive marketing aimed at Service members, CCSJ will:
- Ban inducements, including any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, transportation, lodging, meals, or other item having a monetary value of more than a de minimis [defined as “an insignificant amount”] to any individual or entity, or its agents including third-party lead generators or marketing firms other than salaries paid to employees or fees paid to contractors in conformity with all applicable laws for the purpose of securing enrollments of Service members or obtaining access to TA funds. Educational institution sponsored scholarships or grants and tuition reductions available to military students are permissible;
- Refrain from providing any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollments or federal financial aid (including TA funds) to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting, admission activities, or making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance;
- Refrain from high-pressure recruitment tactics such as making multiple unsolicited contacts (3 or more), including contacts by phone, email, or in-person, and engaging in same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing Service member enrollments.
Financial Aid & Loans
Before offering, recommending, arranging, signing-up, dispersing, or enrolling Service members for private student loans, Service members may work with a counselor in the Office of Financial Aid at CCSJ; this financial aid advisor will be able to offer individual loan counseling, including, but not limited to:
- Providing a clear and complete explanation of available financial aid, including Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended.
- Describing the differences between private and federal student loans to include terms, conditions, repayment and forgiveness options.
- Disclosing the institution’s student loan Cohort Default Rate (CDR), the percentage of its students who borrow, and how its CDR compares to the national average. If the educational institution’s CDR is greater than the national average CDR, it must disclose that information and provide the student with loan repayment data. Students may review this information at College Navigator, a government site where schools report student financial data.
- Explaining that students have the ability to refuse all or borrow less than the maximum student loan amount allowed.
For more information about student loan counseling at CCSJ, contact Financial Aid, (219) 473-4296 or E-mail:
Accreditation and Credentialing Requirements
Calumet College of St. Joseph is accredited to offer master’s, baccalaureate, and associate degrees; certificates; and diplomas by the Higher Learning Commission, a member of the North Central Association, 230 S. LaSalle St., Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604 (
The College has been approved by the National Council Accreditation for Teacher Education (NCATE). The Education Department holds membership in a number of state, regional, and national educational and professional associations, including the Indiana Conference of Higher Education, and the National Catholic Educational Association.
Transfer Credit
Any undergraduate student transferring to CCSJ may use up to 94 semester hours of external academic credit toward their CCSJ degree. These credits must be from regionally accredited institutions attended. Of those 94 hours, no more than 66 semester hours can be accepted from two-year institutions.
For military students, credits earned for military training and experience are accepted for transfer and are counted as upper-level, four-year institution credits toward the 94-hour limit. You will need to provide your Joint Services Transcript (JST) to the university for evaluation of your credit (or CCAF transcript if Air Force) and copy of DD 214 form.
Evaluation of credits earned from non-military sources (including other colleges and universities and testing programs such as AP, CLEP, and IB) follow the same process used for other undergraduate students. You will need to submit an official transcript or report from each source directly to CCSJ. When we receive those, your credits will be evaluated for acceptability. The Registrar will add your credits to your CCSJ record while observing the 66-hour/94-hour limits. If you have credits beyond those totals, the Registrar will select those credits that seem most suitable to your academic program. You can work with your academic advisor later if you believe some used credits need to be swapped out for unused credits that would be more beneficial for you.
CCSJ is currently developing a database of uniform course equivalents for military credits to be used at CCSJ. The development of this project is expected to change how credits are worked with at CCSJ. Additional details on this project will be posted to this website as they are finalized.
Military Tuition Assistance (TA) is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of funds originally awarded. Unearned TA funds will be returned on a prorated basis, depending on the length of the course. To determine the amount of TA that needs to be returned, the institution will determine the date the withdrawal was submitted, and then divide that by the number of days in the term to determine the percentage of TA that was earned by the student.
Example: The student enrolled in a course that’s duration is 30 days. The withdrawal was submitted on the 14th day. The institution would perform the calculation to determine how much TA was earned by the student’s attendance: (14 divided by 30 equals 46.6%. 47% of the TA authorized was earned by the student, which means 53% of what was authorized will be returned to the DOD)
To remain in compliance with the Department of Defense’s policy, Calumet College will return any unearned TA funds through at least 60% of the semester on a prorated basis. The amount of unearned TA that is returned is based on the date of withdrawal from the course.
Visit the current refund schedule to determine the 60% completion point.
Veterans Coordinator
Marlena Avalos
Phone: (219) 473-4212
Fax: (219) 473-4259
Mailing Address:
Calumet College of St. Joseph
Office of the Registrar & Veteran Services
2400 New York Avenue
Whiting, IN 46394
- Monday: 11:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M.
- Tuesday – Thursday: 9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
- Friday: 9:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
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