
CCSJ COVID-19 Updates


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If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms and/or have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, please email to learn what steps you need to take.

COVID-19 Communications


Update: March 1, 2022

The most recent numbers from the Indiana Department of Health are showing a steady decline in Covid cases across the state, with Lake County now in the yellow (and moving towards blue)!

With this news, CCSJ feels it is ready to reduce the Covid mitigation measures that have been in place. Starting Monday, March 7, it will no longer be required for individuals to wear masks inside CCSJ buildings.  Those who wish to continue to wear masks/face coverings may continue to do so. When classes resume on March 14th, masks will not be required in the classroom. We continue to recommend continued spacing in classrooms and meetings.


  • Protocols for Symptomatic or Positive Individuals:
    • If symptomatic or positive test: Five-day isolation, followed by 5 days of mandatory mask wearing at all times when around other individuals.
    • Exposed: No required quarantine as long as individual remains symptom-free. It is recommended that exposed individuals be tested 3-5 days after exposure.
    • Additional requirements for full return to athletics: Athletics will communicate with affected athletes.


CCSJ will continue to closely monitor the data provided by the Indiana Department of Health. While we are currently optimistic, we cannot forget that this pandemic has surprised us with increased cases before. Policies and practices will be revised as the situation warrants.


Remember: Do your part to keep our community healthy!


  • Report any of the following to or to HR (
    • Confirmed positive Covid test result
    • Onset of common Covid symptoms (loss of taste/smell, fever, cough, etc), even if you suspect that you have a “just a cold”
  • Stay home if you are not feeling well (contact your supervisor to discuss potential work-from-home arrangements if you feel you are up to it; however, be sure to prioritize taking appropriate measures to aid in recovery!)

Questions or concerns may be directed to:

  • Students:
  • Staff: Paula Shreve (
  • Faculty: Derek Shouba (



Update: January 12, 2022
This message is lengthy, but please take the time to review as it contains important updates on the following:

  • CCSJ spring semester Covid-19 protocols
  • On-Campus Testing for Faculty, Staff, and Students
  • Ways you can help keep our campus healthy

CCSJ Spring Semester Protocols

Based on a review of the current Covid situation in the region, conversations with other higher education institutions, the needs of CCSJ students, and CDC recommendations, CCSJ has determined the following course of action:

  • Classes: Spring classes will run in person or hybrid/online as listed on the schedule, with the same safety practices that were utilized during the fall in effect. This includes spaced seating to allow for social distancing and mandatory masking while in class.
  • Face Coverings:  For the beginning of the semester, all individuals are required to have masks or facial coverings while inside except when eating or drinking. Faculty and staff do not have to mask while working alone in offices.  Please do your part: If you see a student not masked properly, gently remind the individual. We are all in this together.
  • Reporting: All individuals should report all instances of known Covid exposures, positive tests, and instances of Covid symptoms (with or without a positive Covid test) to to enable CCSJ to monitor and track cases on campus. After receiving a report, a member of the response team will reach out to the individual to begin tracking and discuss next steps.
  • Protocols for Exposed or Positive Individuals: While the CDC has relaxed guidelines for quarantine following exposure or positive test, the CCSJ Covid Response Team has determined to implement a process that is slightly more conservative due to the current positivity rate in the local area.
    • Exposed and unvaccinated (or decline to provide proof of vaccination): Seven (7) day quarantine from date of exposure, followed by negative test to be allowed back on campus. If symptomatic or positive test: Seven day minimum quarantine/isolation. May not return to campus while symptoms persist. Masks are required at all times around others for days 8-10.
    • Exposed and vaccinated: No quarantine will be required. Individual needs to be tested at least 5 days from date of exposure. If symptomatic or positive test: Seven day minimum quarantine/isolation. May not return to campus while symptoms persist. Masks are required at all times around others for days 8-10.
    • Definition of vaccinated: Booster dose completed, or original vaccine round completed and not yet eligible for booster.
    • Additional requirements for full return to athletics: Athletics will communicate with affected athletes.

Covid Tests Available on Campus 1/13/22 and 1/18/22

Tests are becoming more and more difficult to find in our community; most testing centers are requiring several days of advance scheduling. To help alleviate the situation, CCSJ is happy to announce that we have partnered with RN Wellness to conduct weekly tests on campus at no cost to the school or to the individual. The first dates scheduled are:

Thursday, January 13                                                                       Tuesday, January 18
10 am – 3 pm                                                                                     10 am – 4 pm
Room 203                                                                                            Room 203

RN Wellness will be conducting both a rapid test (immediate results) and the more sensitive PCR test (results in 48-72 hours). Pre-registration is encouraged; follow this link to register:  Once you register, you will receive a code to show the personnel on-site that can be used each time you test (without having to pre-register each time).

Additional dates/times will be added soon and communicated to the community. At this time, CCSJ will be providing this testing weekly as the regional spread/positivity rate demands.

The testing is open to all faculty, staff, and students who wish to be tested, as well as their family members, ages 2 and above. To maintain confidentiality, CCSJ has designated only two individuals to receive positive test information to allow us to conduct tracing and containment protocols. The information received will not be available or given to others. CCSJ will still have a very limited supply of tests available if individuals are not able to attend the scheduled sessions.

Remember: Do your part to keep our community healthy!

If we all do our part, CCSJ can continue to meet and conduct in-person classes. You can help us avoid another shutdown by doing the following:

  • Report any of the following to or to HR (
    • Confirmed positive Covid test result
    • Known exposure to individuals with positive Covid results
    • Onset of common Covid symptoms (loss of taste/smell, fever, cough, etc), even if you suspect that you have a “just a cold”
  • Continue to wear masks in indoor spaces and maintain social distancing
  • Stay home if you are not feeling well (contact your supervisor to discuss potential work-from-home arrangements if you feel you are up to it; however, be sure to prioritize taking appropriate measures to aid in recovery!)
  • If you have not received a vaccination for the flu or for Covid 19, consider the benefits and talk to a medical professional about what would be best for you. You can also reach out to if you have specific questions about vaccines.

Questions or concerns may be directed to:
Staff: Paula Shreve (
Faculty: Derek Shouba (


Covid-19 Guidelines Summary 2021-22  

  • Health Awareness
    1. Anyone with known contact in the past 10 days with a Covid-19 patient should not come to campus.
    2. Anyone suspecting Covid-19 illness should not come to campus.
    3. Anyone that has been instructed to isolate or quarantine should not come to campus during that time.
    4. Please self-screen for exposure and symptoms daily.
    5. Report travel (international), exposure, symptoms, and/or testing to
    6. Vaccinated athletes are asked to provide proof of vaccination. If it is not provided, unvaccinated guidelines will apply.
  • Mask Requirement
    1. CCSJ has a mask requirement for indoor spaces on campus.
    2. The exceptions to this are if you are in an office space alone or are actively working out/participating in athletics.
  • Vaccinated Individuals
    1. CDC guidelines allow for fully vaccinated individuals to not wear masks except where required by federal, state or local ordinance unless further guidance is provided
    2. Report any exposure or symptoms to
      1. Monitor symptoms
      2. No quarantine needed if remain asymptomatic
  • If symptomatic, begin 10 day quarantine with PCR testing on day 5-7
    • Submit results to
    • Negative test with continued symptoms will be referred to physician for further evaluation
    • If testing is not completed, athletes will require 14 day quarantine
    • Email clearance required to return to campus
  • Unvaccinated individuals
    1. Masks are still needed in indoor spaces, except for active athletic participation
    2. Report any exposure or symptoms to
      1. Monitor symptoms
      2. Begin 10 day quarantine
        • If confirmed positive test in past 3 months, follow vaccinated guidelines for exposure
  • PCR testing on day 7 (day 5 if symptomatic), with results submitted to
  1. Negative test with continued symptoms will be referred to physician for further evaluation
  2. If testing is not completed, athletes will require 14 day quarantine
  3. Requires email clearance to return to campus
  • Covid-19 Positive Cases
    1. CDC guidelines for return from isolation will be followed.
      1. At least 24 hours fever free without medication
      2. Symptoms have significantly improved
  • At least 10 days since the symptoms appeared or the positive test if asymptomatic
  1. Athletes will be required to have physician clearance to begin a gradual return to play protocol.
  • Close Contact
    1. Within 6 ft for 15 minutes or more in a 24 hour period
    2. Provide care to a Covid positive individual
    3. Direct contact with Covid positive individual (hugging, kissing, etc.)
    4. Shared eating/drinking utensils
    5. Sneezed, coughed, or otherwise got respiratory droplets on you
  • International Travel
    1. Vaccinated Individuals
      1. Testing 1-3 days prior to travel into US, or proof of prior Covid positive case in past 3 months
      2. Mask use during travel
  • Monitor symptoms
  1. Test on day 3-5 post-arrival
  2. Report travel, testing, and/or symptoms to
  1. Unvaccinated Individuals
    1. Testing 1-3 days prior to travel, or proof of prior Covid positive case in past 3 months for travel to or from US
    2. Mask use during travel
  • Quarantine on arrival
    • Test on day 5 post-arrival
    • If negative, quarantine for full 7 days from arrival
    • If positive, isolate for minimum 10 days
  1. Monitor symptoms
  2. Report travel, testing, and/or symptoms to

Due to weather conditions, all Calumet College of St Joseph courses will shift to online on Tuesday, January 21st.

Students, please communicate with your instructors for details. Staff, please work with your supervisor to determine needs.