Carrie Hutton, Ed.D.

Associate Professor; Program Director, Mathematics; St. Gaspar's Honors Learning Community; Charter School Liason
Brief info

Office: Room 302
(219) 473-4284

Dr. Hutton earned a M.S. in Mathematics and Statistics from Purdue University, a M.S.E. in Engineering from Purdue University, and an Ed.D in Leadership from American College of Education.

Dr. Hutton teaches developmental mathematics courses, Statistics, and Calculus courses at CCSJ. She previously taught dual credit engineering technology courses and mathematics courses in K-12 schools. Her research interests include quality and competitive K-16 STEM education for underrepresented populations in STEM careers, the successful implementation of inquiry K-16 STEM learning, and the successful implementation of project-based integrated K-16 STEM learning.

Due to weather conditions, all Calumet College of St Joseph courses will shift to online on Tuesday, January 21st.

Students, please communicate with your instructors for details. Staff, please work with your supervisor to determine needs.