Senior Spotlight: Marcia Keilman

Celebrating the Class of 2024!

As the academic journey of Marcia Keilman at Calumet College of St. Joseph ends, she stands ready to embark on the next chapter of her life with a mix of nostalgia and excitement. Hailing from Crown Point, Indiana, Marcia’s tenure at CCSJ has been transformative, marked by academic excellence, athletic achievements, and a strong sense of community spirit.

Marcia majored in business management with minors in psychology and accounting. Her collegiate journey began when she was recruited to play soccer, and she quickly developed a profound love for the school, citing the tight-knit community and the exceptional support of her professors as reasons for her affection.

In addition to her academic achievements, Marcia’s leadership, dedication, and sportsmanship skills were evident in her role as captain of the CCSJ soccer team during her final year. She has left an indelible mark on the athletic legacy of her College.

Marcia has fond memories of the intimate classroom settings that fostered meaningful interactions with her professors. She describes them as “truly caring individuals committed to their students’ success,” and credits their unwavering support as pivotal in her academic success, giving her the confidence and determination to pursue her aspirations.

Graduation holds a profound significance for Marcia and her family. The COVID-19 pandemic affected her high school graduation ceremony. After missing the traditional high school graduation experience in 2020, Marcia eagerly anticipates the chance to walk across the stage at Commencement.

Currently, Marcia holds a managerial role at a local Walgreens while pursuing her Master’s in Business Administration through Purdue Global Online. She envisions a career path in management following in the footsteps of her role model: her mother, a Strack and Van Til local manager. Moreover, Marcia has dreams of entrepreneurship, with plans to establish an e-commerce venture or open a rock-climbing facility.

Marcia leaves behind a legacy of perseverance, compassion, and unwavering determination as she bids farewell to her alma mater. Her parting advice to future CCSJ students echoes the sentiments of her own journey: “Do not be afraid to take risks and step out of your comfort zone; your peers and professors always have your back here at CCSJ.” With her positive spirit and boundless ambition, Marcia Keilman is poised to conquer new horizons, leaving a lasting impact wherever she goes.

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at Calumet College of St. Joseph!